Boulder Shoulder Breakdown It’s no surprise that the most famous routine put together to form that boulder on the side of your arms can be composed of: Shoulder Press/Military Press, and lateral rai...
read moreHow To Train Your Biceps Ok so, out of all the muscles discussed in this section, the biceps are by far the most popular. When someone asks to see your muscles, what’s the first pose you give them? ...
read moreLatissimus Dorsi (How to train the back) Back training has had its share of controversy over the years; whether it’s a debate on the correct form of exercises, the sets and reps, or the time needed ...
read moreAbdominals “I want to get a six pack, can you show me some ab workouts?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question. The fact of the matter is, most people fail to understan...
read moreChest Training: The Right Way The pectorals are one of the most noticeable muscles on the human body, so it becomes obvious as to why the training of this muscle group should not be taken lightly. A s...
read moreWhat type of Cardio is best for fat loss? Depending on your fitness goals, the type of cardio you choose will vary. Not to say that one type is better than the next, but the specific cardio path you t...
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