“Coaching with Mitch has pushed me to the next level, both mentally and physically. In just over 90-days, Mitch mentored me to my first Physique Competition. The results speak for themselves, but one thing you won’t be able to see is how he pushed me mentally. Plus, I knew that investing in a Coach that has similar spiritual goals would only empower me even more. When you start with the mind, everything falls into place. Thanks so much, Mitch!”
“A good coach will make his athletes see what they can become rather than what they are! They believe in you, encourage you, teach you and push you to your limits. A good coach becomes an even greater mentor. Mitch coached me for 16 weeks and I never once questioned him. I believed in his methods and trusted his skills. He helped me face my fears, taught me to love myself, and helped me find a passion in the gym again. Mitch is not only a great coach but he is an amazing mentor and I look forward to working another 5weeks toward another goal with you. Thank you for helping me get back on a path that I love and enjoy. If your interested in an amazing coach MEN AND WOMEN then check him out!”
“I’ve been “working out” for about 10 years now, but I had never really seen any substantial change in my physical appearance that entire time. My fitness journey officially began on November 22, 2013 when I decided to message Mitch after running across his profile on Instagram because I was impressed with his success, but most of all I was so happy to find someone in the fitness industry that LOVES fitness and loves the Lord! What started as just a trainer sending a meal plan and workouts to a client, has turning into a great friendship and I could not be more thrilled to be a part of Mindset Fitness! Mitch is an awesome coach and an even better friend. I can always say with confidence that Mitch Muller is the real deal and will without a doubt help bring great change to anyone’s life if they follow his coaching. Thanks Mitch!”
“Mitch taught me to understand my body and his training skills and motivation allowed me to loose over 100 lbs and gain some nice muscle all in less then 1 year, Mitch allowed me to truly understand what it takes to commit to a healthy lifestyle and to understand that traditional diets do not work! I found that only building core muscle works to consistently burn fat and increase my metabolism, Thanks Mitch, you are the Best!”
“The results have been pretty tangible… I’ve definitely gained strength and muscle, lost almost 2% body fat, and my recovery time between sets has noticeably increased. As far as nutrition goes, I’ve learned that discipline is key. It directly relates to how committed I am at the gym and to reaching my goals. If I can’t discipline myself in my diet, then I’m not going to get the results I really want, so it’s a matter of the mind. For the training aspect, I’ve learned so much from Mitch! With all of the hypertrophy methods he used, I was sore almost every single workout. I really enjoyed how he changed it up every week with the weight/volume and with different exercises. I was never bored working out. I’ve learned I couldn’t just do what I used to do back in high school or college sports. I realized I needed to change my mindset, and when I did, I started noticing a big difference. Thank you Mitch!
“In 12 weeks I have been able to achieve more with my physique than the previous 8 years of training on my own. Mitch gave me all the tools I needed plus provided an incredible amount of support to guide me through the transformation process. Seeing my abs finally pop has made it all worthwhile! Even if you have an extreme work schedule like I do, if you put your mind to something and COMMIT to the work, the results will come. Thanks Mitch!”
“My results I received from Mitch were great – 2 inches off my waist! I’ve been a personal trainer myself for 4 years now and I know the gym routine pretty dang good, and I know basic nutrition. I came to Mitch wanting to see how far I could take my body though, and see how much fat I could actually lose with as little to no muscle loss as possible. What caught my eye from this experience was to see how my body truly reacted to manipulating carb and fat intakes and the timing of my nutrients. I went from looking looking just lean to a lean, mean HULK machine! Thanks Mitch!”
Throughout the 8 weeks of the training program I was able to learn a lot and develop certain muscle groups in a different way than a ‘normal’ lifting routine. I dropped 3% body fat and gained 5 lean pounds of muscle! I really learned how the different types of training, when compounded and used in the way that Mitch put together; you can really get a lot of blood flow to the muscles very quick and get the most out of each set. I really liked the way he had the super-sets and giant-sets set up. Each week built off the previous week and I felt each week got tougher but at the same time I was developing more so the results were good. My body definitely developed in the past 8 weeks. I really like the size I gained and the shaping of the muscles. What really set my shoulders apart and allowed for good growth and better symmetry to my body was the final 4 weeks. Hitting shoulders 3 days in a row was a killer and got me past my plateau. I feel that after the 8 weeks I have a better mind muscle connection and this will allow me to continue growth and continue to get great lifts. Thanks again Mitch for all the advice and help!
The Maximum Mass Construction program is a very effective workout plan. The detailed structure of exercises, sets, reps, and tempo makes it easy to follow and ensures you are abiding by the plan leading to the best possible results. I chose to focus on my shoulder development for 4 weeks with Mitch. I wanted to specifically target my shoulders to add more width to my physique to create more of a V taper. These next four weeks, shoulders were hit on three consecutive days each week. This helped really shock the muscle because I was hitting them from different angles using different exercises that I haven’t used before. It was tough to fight through the soreness from the previous workouts, but the results were worth it! I really enjoyed doing the intensifiers for shoulders such as the static hold for dumbbell lateral raises. This will give you a burn like you have never felt before and will leave your shoulders pumped and cashed out. Overall, I believe that my shoulders, along with the rest of my body, has definitely improved and I am very happy with the results. The pumps were always great in the gym and this program had you giving it your all each day leaving you satisfied when leaving the gym. I really enjoyed this workout program and would definitely recommend others try it to push past plateaus and to blast their delts to initiate new growth! You’re the man Mitch!
I learned so much on Mitch’s Mass Construction Beta 4 Week program! What I really liked was when we had to isolate the muscles by stretching in between reps to help blood flow get in. What an INSANE pump! I feel like I got bigger in size and stronger and strength light years ahead of what I’m used to in all of my major lifts. Thanks so much Mitch, you’re awesome!
“I started my training with Mitch 8 weeks out from my contest. Mitch had a great game plan for my posing to workouts to nutrition, making sure my body got what it needed and at the right times. He changed up workouts and meal
plans every two weeks to make sure I was headed in the right direction for my first show. We went over posing every week with one-on-one sessions and adding a little something every week to my routine to get me to the next level and keep the judges eyes on me when I was out there. He stressed that
it was my stage and my show and stage presence along with a solid posing routine would get me to the top. Diet was critical to help me get the most out of my training. Moving around carbs, protein and fat to get my body lean and also hang onto muscle. The workouts changed from week to week based on contest prep and I was constantly challenged to push the envelope with
weights and cardio to put out the best physique I could. We went over how
important rest/sleep were when you are pushing your body to the limit to get
to your goal. Mitch made sure every day leading up to your contest you were getting everything you needed from him. Mitch was available through text, e-mail or facebook for whatever questions or direction you were looking for. Working with him put me over the top and helped me TAKE HOME FIRST PLACE on the big stage in my first competition!! It was great competing for the 1st time and training with Mitch I felt like a seasoned veteran with all the insight he gave me along with what to expect backstage and final hours up to competition. There was no ego or agenda, he just wants to get the most out
of you and put you in a position to succeed and making sure you are at your best both physically and mentally. Thanks so much Mitch!”