• Shoulder Strength Workout for Men

    Are you looking to add some strength to your shoulders? It’s not a surprise that the deltoids are an impressive muscle group when successfully developed. A common misconception about strength training is that it may not produce effective muscle growth as compared to other various training methods. While this remains true in some regard, the ability to build up the size of a muscle is directly related to how much weight that muscle can lift. For example, if your max barbell shoulder press was 135 for 10 reps, and then you completed a strength training program that increased your max to 185 for 10 reps, which weight do you think would help stimulate your muscles to grow more? You see, with a stronger muscle comes the ability to lift heavier weights in the long run which will reward you with more successful hypertrophy gains. These two types of training completely complement each other. The following is an 8 week training program for the shoulders and trapezius muscles. Try this out if you’re looking for improvement in your shoulder strength!

    SHOULDER STRENGTH (8 week training program)

    1. Barbell Shoulder Press – (week 1-2: 10,8,6,6) (week 3-4: 8,6,6,4) (week 5-6: 6,6,4,4) (week 7-8: 6,4,2,1) ****Rest time 2-5 minutes between sets
    2. Alternating Single Arm Lateral Raises – (4 sets of 10 reps: increase weight after 2 week periods)
    3. Front-arm barbell Raises – (4 sets of 15 reps: increase weight after 2 week periods)
    4. Bent-over Dumbell Raises (rear delts) – (Same as above)
    5. Barbell Upright Row – (4 sets of 15 reps: increase weight after 2 week periods)
    6. Barbell Shrugs – (4 sets of 15 reps for each)


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