The Importance of Core Training

The Importance of Core Training

If you’ve listened to the buzz around the fitness world lately or perused the latest workout books, you’ve probably heard the experts referencing core fitness in some shape or form. Traditionally, strength training has been dominated by exercises focused on isolating the muscles of the arms and legs. In fact, if you look at many of the weight machines that have become popular in modern gyms, you’ll notice that they require you to sit or recline while you use them.

While these machines will effectively help you build the muscles that they target, the problem is that, in real life, we don’t use our muscles that way. We lift a box from the floor to a shelf, swing a golf club, push our children on the swing set, or climb a rock wall. In fact, the vast majority of the things we do require all of the muscles in our bodies to function together and be coordinated through our mid-sections, or our “core.”

While those activities may make the use of core muscles seem very obvious, this area, made up of the muscles of our midsection, are actually responsible for quite a few of the more subtle functions as well, including posture, balance and stability.

A weakened core will often result in poor posture and stability, yet we don’t necessarily feel the results of it in areas that show us a direct cause and effect correlation. For example, poor posture, due to a weakened core, might allow our hips to slip out of alignment resulting in knee pain. In fact, quite a few of the chronic muscle and joint pain issues that Americans are suffering with today stem from a weakened core.

It is no wonder, then, that exercise science has taken a dramatic shift in recent years to include the core in strength training regimes. Now, rather than using a machine to first exercise your legs and then your arms, trainers are suggesting that their clients use free weights or bands to combine exercises such as a squat to overhead press. By linking the two, people are forced to transition the exercise movement through their core, and the core muscles in turn help to maintain good posture throughout the exercise. The end result is that we are exercising in a fashion that mimics the movements that we use in everyday life, while creating better posture and increasing our stability and balance.

Here are a few ways to help strengthen your core:

1.  Stand Up

Most Americans will spend hours upon hours a day, sitting at a desk somewhere. The last thing you want to do when you go to the gym or workout is to sit! GET MOVING. Try incorporating standing stability exercises to your regular routines such as: Single-leg standing overhead presses or stability ball chest press.

2.  Do More Core

A great way to keep the consistency in your core strength is to train your core multiple times per week. Because of the location of the core in the human body, it is able to receive an abundance of nutrients quickly and is able to recover very fast, unlike the larger muscles of the upper and lower body.

3.  Breathe

There are very few times in life that we as people forget to breathe. Training your abs is one of them! When you release air out of your lungs, it allows your diaphragm to relax. When this happens, your abdominals are able to contract to the best of their ability. This results in more muscle breakdown – more blood flow – more nutrients – better recovery -> stronger midsection.

Abdominal Training: The Right Way


“I want to get a six pack, can you show me some ab workouts?”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked this question. The fact of the matter is, most people fail to understand just how to go about training their abdominals and how to successfully obtain the desired 6 pack look. Simply jumping on the nearest ab machine or yoga ball will not cover all of the bases when it comes to correct technique on how to approach the training of this extremely popular muscle group.

So let me start by explaining the basics…

Your Rectus Abdominus extends from the costal cartilages near your sternum all the way down to the groin area. The center of your abdominals are separated by a thin band called the linea alba. It is important to see just how large of a muscle this really is, which will help in exercise selection later on down the road.

So how come I don’t have a six pack when I do abs at least three days a week?” This is a popular question so let me put to rest this common myth that has surrounded the fitness industry for quite some time now: Spot training or spot reducing do NOT work when it comes to burning body fat. 75% of the reason why you don’t see those eye-catching abs is due to the stubborn fat layer that covers them! Simply training your abdominals consistently is not enough.

There are three important factors that contribute to abdominal definition.

  • Diet/Food plan

The single most important part of building a strong, defined midsection will ALWAYS be your diet. The way you eat will reflect the results shown 100% of the time. Keeping track of the meals you eat throughout the day, as well as the timings of those meals will ultimately make or break your abdominal building journey. I discuss this more in the Diet section.

  • Fat Loss

So you have your food in order, now what? It’s time to focus on your body fat! Testing your body fat levels can be done if many different ways so I encourage you to get a testing device on your own or use one at your local gym. Ideal body fat percentage for a male 6 pack is around 10% at the very most. However in my personal opinion, 8% BF shows more eye catching results. I believe that getting that extra belly fat to come off is a simple process if taken seriously: do cardio! If a strong cardio routine is combined with weight training at least three days out of the week, RESULTS WILL COME. I talk about this more in my Cardio Section.

  • Abdominal training

Finally, lets hit em’ hard! Having a varied but structured, simple but effective abdominal routine will help you achieve that well deserved midsection. The reason why I said varied is because your body will automatically adapt to the stress put upon it, so it is important to change up your workouts and shock your abs into growth.

Keep in mind that every single person is made differently. If you find yourself thinking, “I want my abs to look like his,” then you need to realize that your own abs are genetically formed and shaped uniquely. Although everyone can build up a stronger midsection, they might not all look the same.

We must select our exercises wisely. But first, let me talk about breathing…

Using a standard barbell curl as an example; why do we breathe in on the way down and out on the way up?


  1. To fill muscles and bloodstream with needed oxygen.
  2. When the muscle is replenished with oxygen, it is now ready for perform at its complete potential.


  1. To get rid of carbon dioxide within the blood.
  2. To release pressure within the thoracic cavity so it can be transferred to the abdominal muscles for full contraction.

Using this correct form of breathing is key to developing a stronger and better looking midsection. So keep this in mind when training!


Knowing which exercises work the best is usually determined by the person involved in training. Ab exercises that work particularly well for me might not work well for you, and vice versa. However from my experience, the best way to train your abs is in supersets (combining more than one exercise in a row without rest). Training abs this way requires only complete body weight with very limited extra resistance. Here is a list of the best abdominal exercises:

-Basic floor crunch        -Lying leg raises        -Bicycles         -Jack Knives      -Planks (static)

-Hip & tucks                      -Rope Crunches        -Medicine ball bicycles             -Leg Lifts

-Pendulums                      -Yoga ball Crunches       -Reverse crunches              -Leg tucks

-Barbell rollouts             -Hanging knee raises          -Hanging leg lifts

*These are only a few exercises to help stimulate abdominal muscle growth. I encourage many others but I’ll talk about those another time! If you have any questions about these exercises and how they’re performed, feel free to email me at,

Till then, train hard and train smart!

-Mitch Muller


Summary with credit to: Permanent Muscle by Reuben Bajada. The Poliquin Principles by Charles Poliquin.