• The Bicep Blaster Workout

    When it comes to training biceps, I like to bump up my intensity. From my experience, the arms respond very well to this type of training as opposed to a slower, pyramid-like style of training that most weight lifters use now-a-days.

    Bicep Blaster Workout #1.   Barbell Curl Tri- set

    Start with a weight you can curl for about 6 total reps.  Immediately, drop the weight 10 pounds and perform 8-10 reps. Drop the weight one more time for 5 lbs and do an additional 8-10 reps. Look for a full stretch at the bottom of the movement. This will ensure as much blood flow to the area as possible.


    Bicep Blaster Workout #2.   Incline bench DB curl

    Pick a weight you can curl for 10 reps. both arms will be alternating.


    Bicep Blaster Workout #3.   Seated EZ-bar half curl

    Sitting down, perform 20 half curls down to your lap and up to the peak of contraction. Remember to keep the elbows tucked back, this will ensure that the shoulders do not assist the movement.


    *These 3 exercises are performed back-to-back for 5 sets, with a minute rest in between sets. Let me know the results you get from this insane bicep blaster workout. It’s one of my favorites!

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