Is your Pre-workout Supplement Killing your gains? (Part 1)

It’s funny, with the amount of hype the supplement industry gets these days, it’s really hard to tell what Pre-workout supplement is the best to go with.

I get asked all the time about which one I use and/or if I have my own special formula for getting an insane pump and crazy energy. While both of these have been true in some regard, I want to clear up some common mis-beliefs about what your pre-workout supplement can do for you.


Myth #1 – Taking a pre-workout supplement will make my workout better

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this isn’t always the case. I would never say that using these supplements is a bad idea either, however the CONTEXT of supplementation, there’s a lot that can be negative.

Do you ever wonder why after using the same pre-workout supplement for weeks on end, you will tend to not FEEL it working anymore? Hmm, maybe there’s something to that, I wonder?

Your body is extremely smart. Once you saturate your muscle cells and receptors with the same thing over and over again, the end result becomes bland and almost useless. This same principle can apply to almost anything you do.

Take for instance in business; would you always use the same marketing plan to increase profit over 20 years? Absolutely not. Times change, the market changes, and we are forced to adapt to grow.

Your body is built the same way.

So with the question as to if the pre-workout supplement you use right now is actually HELPING you train harder and longer, my answer for you is, “it depends”.

  • How long have you been taking it?
  • How much of it are you taking?

If your first answer is anything over “a month”, then you might be wasting your money.

Here’s the conclusion to this myth: Taking a pre-workout supplement for too long may actually make you feel WORSE in the gym than not taking it at all. Maybe you should give your adrenal glands a break for a bit huh?


Myth #2 – I can trust the label on the products I take

I don’t know about you but I love simplicity. Worrying about the integrity of 20+ products on any GNC shelf seems exhausting, and to be honest, I know there’s a simple answer to this.

Before I give it to you though, I want you to see some recent news about one of the major products that have been popular amongst our fitness and bodybuilding family: Iron Mass from Muscle Pharm.

Here’s a clip from a Forbes article (also referenced at the bottom of this page):

“Similarly, a lab test of MusclePharm’s “Arnold Scharzenegger Series Iron Mass” revealed that just 19 of the promised 40 grams of protein were present, according to exhibits in the lawsuit.”

“I believe it is a pretty simple, cut and dry issue: We allege in these lawsuits that these companies use misleading language on the label regarding the amount of actual protein in the products, and the consumers are the ones that pay. That’s the bottom line,” says Nick Suciu, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs on many of the lawsuits. “I began developing the cases because customers have been misled by this practice for years.”


Pretty shady huh?

You can take from this article what you will, but my point is that it can be extremely hard to trust the products you put in your body, period. Most of us don’t have the time anyway to do all the research that is needed to make a logical, educated decision. It’s just easier to pick a canister off the shelf that looks shiny and “hardcore” enough to make you feel tingles in your face and the short-term ability to smell colors.

“BRO! This stuff is working!”

One MAJOR Problem…

Stick around for PART 2 of this article to find out the solution!


Your Mindset Muscle Coach,

-Mitch Muller


A Simple Guide On Bodybuilding Nutrition

A Simple Guide On Bodybuilding Nutrition

A Simple Guide On Bodybuilding Nutrition

Nutrition is a very important aspect in bodybuilding because it is responsible for the overall condition of the body. Nutrition is acquired from the food that a person eats. A healthy diet is composed of foods which have the essential nutrients for the body to function properly. A combination of fruits, vegetables, meat, and carbohydrates will give the body enough energy for a day as well as maintaining the body’s fitness. In bodybuilding, there are 3 essential components of nutrition. These are protein, carbohydrates, and fat.


        Protein is responsible for mass gain and muscle growth. Typically, bodybuilders consume large amounts of protein rich food each day. Amounts can come between 300-500 grams of protein daily. Protein intake should be at least 1.5-2 grams per pound of weight. For starters, at least 25 grams of protein per meal should be taken.


        Carbohydrates are responsible for giving the body its fuel source. Carbohydrates are burned in order to perform daily activities. Bodybuilders do not consume a lot of carbohydrates because bodybuilding activities focus on intensity rather than movement. It is important though, to consume adequate amounts of carbohydrates in order to complete a workout session for the day. Recommended carbohydrate intake is calculated as 1-1.5 grams per pound of weight.


Generally, bodybuilders do not consume fatty foods since this type of food is simply stored by the body. However, the body needs fat in order to function properly. As a result, bodybuilders only consume the essential fats needed by the body and opt to eat protein rich food. The amount of essential fat to be consumed each day is at a ratio of 15ml of fat per 25kg of body weight.

A Balanced Diet

        All it takes to start bodybuilding is a balanced diet. A balanced diet will place the body in its peak physical condition. Overweight people will find themselves losing weight while underweight people will find themselves gaining weight. Once the peak condition is achieved, the person can start bodybuilding. A ratio of 40:40:20 for these 3 components is perfect for amateur bodybuilders. This ratio will ensure that muscle growth is achieved and fat is not stored. This ratio will also ensure that the bodybuilder will have adequate amounts of energy throughout the day. Meal times should be spaced at least 6 hours apart to promote digestion and absorption of the nutrients.